Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Record?

So, I have officially not thrown up in four days... I think I'm cured! Although, if I throw up tomorrow, I will know that I jinxed it by telling people and will vow to forever keep my mouth shut on the subject of vomit.

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Pulling Me In

I think if you ask anyone who has children what the whole process is like, they will all say how special it is, but then sort of chuckle and give you the "You don't know what you're in for" line. If you ask any grandparent the same question, I think they will say that it is special, but then sort of chuckle and say "Our kids hate it because we spoil our grandchildren rotten." But I digress...

Anyway, my point is, I know that raising a child is going to be very very hard. I also know how rewarding it will be. When people laugh at me and tell me how funny it will be when I will only get 2 hours of sleep every night, I hear what they are saying and I know that they speak the truth. I love sleep...a LOT...and I don't want to lose it, but something is still not computing.

All right, so that wasn't my point, and this isn't either...My boss has told me the story (several times) of his childbirthing class experience. He has two children, and when the first was born, he wasn't able to be at the classes. When his second was born, he was able to go. Of course this meant that they were the only couple who had already had a child and knew "what they were in for". He said everyone else was all starry-eyed and excited to enter the magical land of parenting. He and his wife, complete with the tell-tale discheveled hair and spitup-stained shoulders, just sort of scoffed at them the whole time. He said they weren't very popular.

Once again, I hear that story and I know that he is right...

And now, my point...I am scared to death at the thought of being a father. BUT, I am still starry-eyed and excited to enter the magical land of parenting. I dream about our baby... and they aren't all good dreams either...the other night, I had to change Hannah's diaper...in my dream! Let me tell you, changing diapers in your dreams is really a weird experience... and I think about her when I am at work. Michelle printed me a copy of the 3-D ultrasound picture which is hanging on my desk next to my computer monitor. I just stare at her while I am supposed to be working, and I just can't wait to meet her.

So I said all that to say this...I guess I am falling for the lure of the new firstborn baby, and I am really okay with that.

PS - Once again, this is Eric showing excitement. Take it where you can get it...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hannah in 3-D

This past Saturday, Eric and I went to Tulsa to a place called Miracle in the Womb to have a 3D/4D ultrasound. (What is 4D you ask? It's the video of the 3D pictures. We didn't really know either!) In preparation, I drank some Pepsi thinking the caffeine would do the girl some good, but Hannah was pretty sleepy the whole time! We weren't able to get a lot of good footage of her face because all we could get was her side profile, but it was still really really cool to see her! My parents met us up there and watched it with us, so that made it even more special. Here is our favorite picture of her. She had her hands up near her face almost the whole time, which makes me laugh, because my favorite baby picture of Eric has him in almost the exact same position! And even to this day, when Eric is sleeping at night, his hands are right next to his face, all balled up under his chin. It makes me realize how much she is going to be like us!
Unfortunately, when we got home and went to watch the video - there wasn't anything on it! The DVD didn't record! But the good news is that we called them today and we get to go back free of charge and have the session redone, which is exciting. So, we're crossing our fingers that this time, Hannah is a bit more cooperative. Either way, it's still pretty magical to see her - and now we just get to see her a second time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good News Ultrasound!

So, we had our ultrasound today and it showed that the placenta had moved away from the cervix, so the technician told us we shouldn't have to worry, which was a great relief. I see the doctor again next week, so I'll be anxious to get the ok from her that everything looked good, but Eric and I were both excited. We didn't get very many good pictures this time - although we were able to confirm once and for all that we are having a girl! Sweet Hannah wasn't the most cooperative and it was hard to get a side profile shot, but we were able to see some good shots of her face. It definitely made us even more excited for the 3D ultrasound we are having done on Saturday! The technician also did some measurements of her head and abdomen and those measurements showed her to be 27 weeks, 3 days in size (I'm 26 weeks, 5 days today according to the due date), but her femur measurements showed 28 weeks, 2 days! So, our girl will be tall! Or at least, not have short legs like her mom (thanks Brusveen genetics!).

Also, since we found out the gender for sure... I ordered the Pottery Barn bedding I have been looking at online everyday! (Here's the picture from the Pottery Barn Kids website). They don't have it in the stores anymore, but I found the entire set new on ebay. I love it and think its adorable, and yes, I know, it's probably competely overpriced, but I don't care :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hannah's Kicking

Well, it finally happened. With 100 days to go before B-Day, I got to feel Hannah kick! It was very exciting. I think it is one of those moments that becomes sort of a milestone in the pregnancy, and I know that I've been waiting for it for a while.

While we were in Denver, I was able to hear the heartbeat by just putting my ear on M's stomach. Guess Hannah is real after all...

This whole process is really amazing.

P.S. Those of you who know me, know that I don't show excitement very well. I can't even type excitement. Like that last line should have been, "This whole process is amazing!", but that would be out of character. Just take my word for it, I'm very excited.