Thursday, July 23, 2009

2 months old!!

Hannah turned two months old on Monday, and to celebrate, we took fun pictures on Sunday. My friend Julia had made a blog post about how to make a tutu, so I decided to try my hand at it! I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some pretty light and dark purple tulle and ribbon... I think it turned out pretty good, what do you think? Thanks Julia for the awesome idea and instructions!!!

So, we took some Hannah ballerina pictures... we couldn't get the lighting to work very well, and she started getting fussy, so we'll have to try them again this weekend, but here a few cute ones. On the next ones, I'm going to make her tulle bow the darker purple, and we are going to try a lighter background... you can't really see all her hair on the black background! And what's the point of having all that hair if you can't show it off!

Today, Hannah had her first set of shots and it went pretty well, all things considered. She weighed 12 pounds (75th percentile), was 23.5 inches long (80th percentile) and her head circumference was 15.75 inches (75th percentile). She is getting so big, we can't hardly believe it! When it came time for the shots, two nurses came in and each of them took a leg and gave her a shot at the same time - it was pretty crazy. She flung her hands up and started wailing! Needless to say, both Eric and I cried. Now she is sleeping in her Papa's arms and seems to be doing pretty well, but we'll see how the night goes! Here are some pictures of the big day!

So, Hannah - now that you are two months old,
what have you been up to?

You have been sleeping six hours straight in the middle of the night, which makes your mommy and daddy VERY happy!

You sleep best when people are holding you and you're such a snuggle bug!

You can almost hold your head up completely by yourself... you do good for about 15 seconds, then you need some help. You love to look around at everyone and everything, so we don't think it will be much longer!

You have recently started smiling more often and silently laughing... it is so cute, it melts our hearts!
We love you so much Hannah - you are the greatest blessing in our lives!


  1. Awwwwww - She's such a beautiful princess! We love you, Hannah-Boo and miss you so much and keep you close in our hearts!

  2. Oh! What a beautiful baby! Can't wait to see her - Eric and Michelle, too. Good that she is sleeping better at night. Sure does help if Mom and Dad can get some much needed rest! She looked so cute in her tutu. Love those little chubby legs!

  3. The tutu turned out great! I'm glad that you had fun with it. I like the idea of putting the tulle on the headband.
    She is SOOO gorgeous! I love all the pictures. That one of her sleeping with her legs spread out shows off those sweet little rolls- how perfect is she? : ) hugs & kisses!

  4. Amazing, 2 months already!!Totally adorable!! Love the pics! Hannah has such a sweet face! Irresistable! What a cutie! Love the tutu! Glad she's sleeping 6 hrs. now. Look at her holding her head up! Hugs4Hannah. Kisses, too!!

  5. Such a sweet little girl! I LOVE the pics of her in the purple tutu. That's so awesome that you made that, Michelle! Too cute!
