Monday, May 16, 2011

The Return of the Blog!

So, almost every day I think... "Man, I really need to update the blog/load pictures/do laundry" (Ok, that last one doesn't have anything to do with blogging, but I seriously think that every day because for some reason, we have an INSANE amount of laundry in our house.) And then, something happens.... I have to go to work, Hannah has a poopy diaper, something good is on TV. But, now, it's time for some season finales and work has calmed down somewhat, so I really don't have any excuses. :)

So, as soon as I get over my jet lag from our whirlwind, 10-day CT trip extravaganza, and upload the pictures we took on our sweet new Nikon DSLR, I will be blogging again!


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