Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day at Gram and Gramps

Monday, we hung out with Eric's Gram and Gramp, along with Lori, Lila, Bill and Betsy (and a special visit from Eric's Uncle John!). We had a good day of eating yummy pizza and watching Hannah and Lila play together! It is always good to see Gram and Gramp, and we always look forward to our visits with them. Eric and his Gram always work on Geneology together and I know that also means a lot to Eric!

When we were there, we also celebrated Hannah's 2nd birthday! Gram made a great cake, and it was so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Really great seeing you guys at G & G's! So much fun! Glad we celebrated Hannah's birthday! Love that sweet "Minnie-Boo"!
