Thursday, May 7, 2009

Decking out the Mom car

So, today I went to the doctor for my normal weekly checkup, and while I am only dilated to a "1," she did say something that freaked me out. She said "IF I see you next week..." WHAT? IF? Like I could go into labor before next Thursday? AHH!!! That pushes things into high gear for sure!!! Because of that little freak out (and Eric's subsequent freak out over lunch when I told him about it), we decided tonight would be a good time to deck my car out with all of the baby essentials.
Eric's excited face :)

Eric trying to figure it out...

Look, it's level!

The final touches...

All done!

Eric also persuaded me to have my super pregnant picture taken... please ignore the terrible hair and the fact that I'm almost as big as the car now :)


  1. First of all, you are GORGEOUS! You look exactly how you are supposed to look & you are beautiful!
    Secondly, love the elephant on the car seat- looks like this baby is going to be Republican. Gotta love it!

  2. Good job, Eric! Car seat looks great! Now you will beable to bring Hannah home from the hospital. It won't be long now!! Bet it's hard to believe! Michelle, I always disliked having those end-of-pregnancy pics, too, but you look great, really! healthy & happy! Love & prayers! P.S. Don't know if I have mentioned this to you before, but every time, before going into labor, I would get this spurt of energy for a few days. It was great! You feelin' energetic??

  3. Good job, Eric!! And, you look great, Michelle!!

  4. Michelle, You crack me up! You look fine but I know how you feel. The other day Ken said to me, "You look so good" and I got really mad at him for lying...
