Monday, May 25, 2009

Hannah is Home

Michelle pretty well covered the events of the last few days, but I wanted to add a few Daddy-related items.

First of all, she mentioned that Papi hit his first home run of the season on the day she was born, but the Red Sox also won. Good omen for my baby.

Second, I have (temporarily) given up on the "banana" nickname. For now, I call her my "Hannah-boo."

She is such an amazing baby. I know that things will change and our patience will wear thin, but for now, I can't believe how awesome she is. She is so content. She only cries when something is wrong. When her eyes are open, she seems to be thinking things out. We are both very thankful to God for this little miracle. Plus, I think she has Michelle's looks, which shows that God cares for Hannah.

The picture of Hannah on my stomach on our couch from Michelle's post was taken tonight. We have been watching Ken Burns' documentary on Baseball. She was sleeping on me as Jackie Robinson was making history in the big leagues. I only point that out because it is a memory I want to keep for the rest of my life. Me and my little boo...

The nights have been tough. Michelle has the worst of it because she has the food supply, and it is hard for me because there isn't much I can do to alleviate that. I have tried to wake up and lay in bed with her for moral support, but that has proven really really hard. For now, we have the system that Michelle mentioned in her post. I take Hannah and check her diaper and unswaddle her. Meanwhile, Michelle gets all of her pillows set up for feeding. This helps me stay up with her a little while longer because I got a little bit of blood flowing.

I'm not sure this added much to what Michelle said, but I wanted to mention it.

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing from you on the blog, too, Eric!! So glad that you both are loving and enjoying Hannah sooo much! (It is sad to think of all the children who have a less-than-desirable home life.) Hannah is sooo blessed! The lack of sleep thing is really hard but it is not forever, although it seems like it when you're going through it! (You actually get used to less sleep after a while.) A day,.. er I mean,.. a night at a time. Michelle, especially, will have those precious quiet times in her heart forever. You are a wonderful support, Eric, to help with Hannah during the night! Hope you all have a God-blessed day (& night!) Hugs4Hannah!
